c-bond window film charlotte

C-Bond Systems for Charlotte Schools & Buildings

Violence affects us all. Terrorists and other criminals are becoming more clever than ever before, putting our public spaces at increased risk. C-Bond Systems offer Charlotte schools and businesses an innovative solution for strengthening glass in order to better protect against gunfire and explosions. These extraordinary security systems give ordinary windows bullet proof strength, allowing them to resist impact caused by gunshots, physical trauma, natural disasters, and blasts. Protect what matters most by strengthening your windows with a C-Bond security system.

bullet resistant window film charlotte

About C-Bond Systems

C-Bond is a high tech security technology that can make your glass bullet resistant. The unique priming agent and durable window film work together to create an instant layer of protection against impact, amplifying the strength and shatter resistance of glass. C-Bond Systems allow property owners to improve security without compromising visibility or aesthetics. Not only are they a more economical alternative to traditional security measures, but they’re also less distracting. Your windows will look the same, but will be ten times stronger than before!

Benefits of C-Bond Technology for Charlotte Buildings

The word about C-Bond is spreading quickly and many schools and businesses are taking action. You, too, can experience the benefits of this extraordinary security technology which include:

  • 24/7 protection from impact
  • Increased shatter resistance that keeps occupants safe
  • Mitigates the effects of blasts, gunfire, accidents, and explosions
  • Preserves window clarity and aesthetics
  • Lasts the lifetime of your windows
c-bond primer window film charlotte

Protect Your Property with C-Bond

Window Film Charlotte is here to help you get the security solution you need to stay safe. We offer professional installation for C-Bond Systems for businesses, schools, and buildings located all throughout the Charlotte area. Call today to get started with the process.